Custom Designer / Bonafide DIY Bride
- DIY-ing her own wedding (so can 1000% relate)
- Culty about pickleball
- Was casted (then ghosted) by Outer Banks
- Did ballet for 10 years while we all bought Shake Weights
- Terrified of dogs but has a German Shepherd
- Marketing Coordinator + Freelance Florist
- Obsessed with whimsical garden floral design
Carolyn got the flower bug in college. She was interning at a floral shop and discovered Flower Moxie through her boss, who was also side hustling as a custom designer. After freelancing and building up her own floral client base, she reached out to Amy and said: “I want to create flowers so offensively whimsical, your customers forget their own names.”
She didn’t say that, but she does have firsthand DIY bride wedding planning experience so working together is basically fate!